WORLD WRITING MUSEUM – Incheon – South Korea

World Writing Museum Localization:  Incheon, South Korea Year: 2017 Project Team: Francesco Colarossi (Team manager), Luisa Saracino, Paolo Colarossi, Elisa Cassoni, Mèlanie Marcuccilli, Daniela Molinaro, Emre Belge, FFFNLG Architetti INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION  for the establishment of the NATIONAL MUSEUM of WORLD WRITING LAND ART within LAND MARK The opportunity for the World Writing Museum project, is to achieve a building that can…

VADO a SCUOLA – Vado Ligure

Vado a Scuola Localization: Vado Ligure (SV) Year: 2015 Project Team: Francesco Colarossi (Team manager), Luisa Saracino, Paolo Colarossi, Rosa Maria Faralli, Massimiliano Foffo, MED Architetti Associati CONCORSO PER LA PROGETTAZIONE DI UN NUOVO POLO SCOLASTICO - EDUCATIVO  Les Enclaves o  gli spazi residuali urbani Durante il processo di trasformazione e occupazione del territorio, la città produce…


EcoSchool Localization: Etiopia Year: 2016 Project Team: Francesco Colarossi (Team manager), Luisa Saracino, Matteo Baldissara, Paolo Colarossi, Marta Bizzoni, Aurora di Manno KYMFIELD International Competition: schools for tropical savanna climate of Africa Climate: The selected area is the territory of Savannah in Ethiopia. Average temperatures are between 25 and 35 °C. There are two seasons, one dry, winter (October…

SOLAR WIND – Salerno-Reggio Calabria

Solar wind Localization: Scilla/Bagnara Year: 2011 Project Team: Francesco Colarossi (Team manager), Luisa Saracino, Paolo Colarossi, Engeenering support: 3TI Progetti Italia 2nd PLACE at the International Competition SOLAR PARK SOUTH Solar Wind is a hybrid (wind/solar) system composed by a wind energy plant integrated with the existing structure of the "Costaviola" viaduct between Scilla and Bagnara and by a…


Kaplasky Localization: New Orleans, London, Rome Year: 2013 Project Team: Francesco Colarossi (Team manager), Luisa Saracino, Rosa Maria Faralli, Paolo Colarossi E-VOLO Competition: Selected Project KAPLASKY is the new proposal for a skyscraper unconventional thought to be located in an emergency environment, after a catastrophe, like a overflow of a river or a flood. The difficulties of…

H2OFFICE – Veolia Headquarters – Latina

H2OFFICE Localization: Latina Year: 2008 Project Team: Francesco Colarossi (Team manager), Luisa Saracino, Paolo Colarossi, Nicola Bartoccelli Per un tema impegnativo come quello dell’acqua e di tutte le problematiche che l’acqua  ai giorni nostri concerne, affrontare un progetto che riassumesse nella forma e nella funzione tali temi è stato per noi oggetto di grande interesse. L’edificio ad uffici…

GREEN FILLING – Henrietta Street – Dublin

GREEN FILLING Localization: 16 Henrietta Street, Dublin Year: 2009 Project Team:  Francesco Colarossi, Luisa Saracino, Paolo Colarossi, Nicola Bartoccelli Dublin International Competition: SELECTED PROJECT Henrietta Street is, first and foremost, one of Dublin's most important historical residential streets and it should go back to being lived as such once again by Dubliners. Most of the formerly-residential buildings…


Clorophilla Localization: Cisterna di Latina Year: 2012-2015 Project Team: Francesco Colarossi (Team manager), Luisa Saracino, Paolo Colarossi Project and building mission for two Energy Parking - Public Client "To provide shelter while producing energy from the sun has always been a privilege of trees. Our reinterpretation is intended as a tribute to nature" DESCRIPTION OF INSTALLATION PROCEDURES AND USE…


CITTÀ DELLA SCIENZA Localization: Rome Year: 2015 Project Team: Paolo Colarossi (Team manager), Francesco Colarossi, Vincent Callebaut, Luisa Saracino, Massimiliano Foffo, Marco Maria Sambo, Andrea Morales, Fabio Briguglio The ambition of the master plan for the new Città della Scienza is to transform the industrial district into a self-sufficient urban ecosystem. The project aims at becoming an example…